Start of something new... (Reupload)
This was originally uploaded on May 12, 2017 on my facebook profile.
So on the 12th of May, I bought and began reading the book titled “WISDOM MEETS PASSION” by New York Times Best-Selling Author, Dan Meyer and his son, Jared Angaza. I stumbled upon this one paragraph in chapter one, My Life is Too Small, that wrote
“Reflect on last month. Yes, just this last month. What did you do to keep your life from being to small?
Can you identfy
- Four or five ideas you had for a better job or starting your own business.
- Three things that you did just to help someone out with no expectation of payback?
- The books you read or listened to that enlightened your spirit, confidence, knowledge, and wisdom?
- The number of hours you spent in quiet contemplation?
- Two or three things you did that you had never done before?
- The concerts, art exhibits, seminars, workshops, or other enriching experiences you had?
- Two or three specific things you did to strengthen the relationships that mean the most to you?
If you have no response to these seven questions, chances are strong that you are living your life too small. "
So, in the 17 pages into reading the book, this is what struck me. Something sparked in my head that translates to, “You’re on the right path, Christian! Keep it up!” I felt like what I’m doing is the right thing and that, for me, ignited the passion to really pursue this path in my career. To tell you, my dear reader, the truth, I’ve never felt so motivated and determined in my life like this before.
Actually, most of what I did that is included in the list above happened just this week. When my boss came to the Philippines, just as any of his past visits here, we talk a lot and I always learn new things from him, whether in the E-commerce industry in Japan, The approach he does when talking to potential clients and partners, and even to me reaching out to him on how should I start my own business.
So here are the list of what I did to keep my life from being small
- Four or five ideas you had for a better job or starting your own business
- First of all, just to be clear, i really never aspire for a better job. What keeps me motivated to work, although it really doesn’t show, is opportunities and new learnings that would add up to my skill set that would be required in setting up my own business.
- My first idea was to improve our thesis project, Centralized Inventory System with POS and EOQ(try “googling”, is googling even a term now?, EOQ to really know what the capability of our system is). It’s a system with no framework, I wrote it using free-form code. My i nitial plan was to rewrite the whole source code via Laravel PHP framework. And at least, try to advertise it. But my mentor told me to focus on the industry that you’re currently in. I know I’m in the IT industry but still, trying to market an inventory system with a working Point-of-Sales system to business enterprises that are older than me would be a long and narrow road to traverse on. With my current job, I wouldn’t even have the time to study and rewrite the whole system to an entirely new framework. But I would, at least, not let that idea go to waste. If ever in the future I would try to venture in the world of inventory management systems and fully understand the complex business processes that encircles it, I could maybe pursue my initial idea. For now, Centralized Inventory System with POS and EOQ, you’re out.
- Second would be to create a price compare website, that would enable customers to buy the cheapest products off the internet. But, issues, in which I can’t disclose much further, was realized and I can’t pursue this idea anymore.
- Lastly, was confidential as of the moment (anticipate my upcoming blogs for hints on my current business plan!). I think this would be IT. This would be the start of my success story!
- The books you read or listened to that enlightened your spirit, confidence, knowledge, and wisdom?
- I was in glorietta and as I was looking for books, since I’ve really planned to invest in books that would increase my knowledge, And as I was browsing through the management books, I saw this book, Wisdom Meets Passion, which caught my attention since it is authored by Dan Meyer, one of the authors that my mentor referred to me. It was with a reasonable price so I took it home and read it. I was actually reading the book by the time of this writing. Also, I listened to podcasts in Apple. I even listened to a whole 45 minute motivational podcast while doing my routinely jog in the UST field.
- Two or three things you did that you had never done before?
- One was, as I’ve mentioned before, listening to a motivational podcast whilst running, since I’m used to listening to music, I tried listening to Gary Vaynerchuk’s podcast (I suggest you try it!). It doesn’t only take my mind off of running but it also sets and redirects my goal and plans in life. Its like contemplating about life and at the same time exercising. It’s a healthy thing to do actually!
- The concerts, art exhibits, seminars, workshops, or other enriching experiences you had?
- I’m planning to attend this year’s Form Function Class conference. I attended the conference last year and I connected with people and learned from their experience. I want to experience that again with other people this year. Also, I’m really looking forward to a conference to be held in Singapore this May 17. If I would be given the chance to attend, I would really use my time and effort to learn and absorb everything and expand my network globally. CEOs of different multinational companies, Min-Liang Tan of Razer and Maximillian Bittner of Lazada to name a few will be speaking at the conference. I’m really keeping my fingers crossed for this one!
- Two or three specific things you did to strengthen the relationships that mean the most to you?
- I just made them feel that their opinion is truly appreciated and I told them that they inspire me to be better each and every day.
So what made me write this blog is to at least try to share my personal experiences to my readers. Not in a boastful manner but in a way that would at least inspire people that if you really focus and if you really set your goals in life, you will, in no time, become the person that you were born to be.
Christian Juliales
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