Turning your life 180°

This past week, I've been reading and sharing articles left and right from well known entrepreneurial communities in Facebook. I started unfriending people that always post stuff, as if they're so into themselves that everything they do is displayed in my newsfeed.

The other day, I came across this infographic about the term narcissism. It enlightened me about the personality, of which many of my age currently possess. Turns out that the term "narcissism" originated from a Greek/Roman myth about a man too obsessed about his own image named Narcissus. Basically, the story is that Narcissus was searching the world for love. After rejecting love from a nymph, he gazed upon a reflection of himself in the river and instantly fell in love with it. He got hooked up too much that he drown. A flower then sprung from the spot where he died and it was named Narcissus, and daffodil being a member of its genus.

Actually the idea of being self-centered is not the cause at all. The act of being overly self-centered all the time is what causes the problem. For a person to help others, he must first help himself. Imagine you're in the middle of the ocean with other people. Your ship sank and you're all gasping for help. Being the selfless person that you are, you helped other people first. What happened? You all drown. What you should do is help yourself first, find a lifeboat and get on it. Then approach the nearest person that is calling for help. By then, you would've been able to save a number of people. See? What I meant by this is you should establish yourself first in a way that would position you to help other people efficiently.

Again, being self-centered AT FIRST is not a bad thing. However, you must know when to stop being selfish and start being selfless. It's all a matter of timing and knowing when to change your personality. Ultimately, the goal is to help others by helping yourself first.

If you always do what you've always done, you will always be where you've always been

When I first read this, I suddenly realized something's wrong with my life. I knew that I'm not maximizing my full potential as a young adult in the industry. I felt, what was somewhat, a calling to really turn my life 180 degrees. I need to change my old ways, I need to get out of my comfort zone. I don't usually read, but I knew I needed to learn and absorb all the necessary resources. I may currently have the motivation and the passion but I know that I still need to work on the wisdom that would help me reach my maximum potential and allow me to fully achieve my goals in life.

Currently at a ripe age of 20, I am already preparing myself to the setup that I've already imagined when I become an entrepreneur. I'm slowly fabricating day-by-day the environment around me that I know would be beneficial to my progress as I traverse this path to my ultimate goal, and that is to change the world through my own company.

This may be the case for me, for you, it's not. We all have different approaches on the term "success". But I know something that you and me must definitely have, and that is hustle. Ideas are nonsense if you don't act upon them. Goals and dreams are nothing if you don't make them a reality. As the late Charlie Chaplin once said,

 "Imagination means nothing without doing".

So what are you waiting for? Don't wait for that perfect opportunity, create it. Don't be afraid of change, embrace it. Turn your life 180° now, you only have one life. There is not enough time. PEACE.



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